Truly, I am writing for an audience of One, but I pray He will put my work into the hands of those who need it.
From the website of Jennifer Sienes, Christian author
A few Sundays ago, I ran into a friend between services, and after catching up on news of our families, he went on to comment on the most recent Gatepost Weekly and how my article had affected him. Another man walked up to us, and my friend introduced me as the one who writes articles for the weekly missive. There was no hint of recognition. I must have been basking in a moment of pride when humility smacked me hard, and I was forced to recall that I don’t write for accolades. That doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy hearing from you…I do. I just need to remember not to let pride get in the way of my relationship with Jesus. There is a purpose behind the words I’m gifted with, and while my work is anything but perfect, if it helps someone to see Jesus in a different way than before, my goal has been accomplished, my gift well used.
In a good week, the Lord offers me a thread to tug, and my task is to stretch that thread and weave it together with others to enhance a point that needs to be made to someone. Often, it is aimed straight at me. I pray that my sharing can reach another who needs to hear the message.
The challenge happens when I become distracted and miss a message, a Spirit nudge, the days I lock myself in my own little world. Today is one of those days. I find my thoughts wandering and am beginning to feel that my well is running dry. I’m sure you have those days too, when everything seems upside down and inside out, when you wonder if the world will ever stop hurling troubles your way. Those are the days when I know I need to reach down deep inside myself and pull out the very best of me, knowing that my best is nothing compared to what lies within the beating heart of my Jesus. And when I reach out to Him, He hears my plea for help, and a tiny seed will be planted in my heart and begin to grow, its roots will deepen and its branches will reach out.
Your heart is a fertile greenhouse ready to produce good fruit. Your mind is the doorway to your heart—the strategic place where you determine which seeds are sown and which seeds are discarded. The Holy Spirit is ready to help you manage and filter the thoughts that try to enter.
Max Lucado, Just like Jesus
When I feel there is nothing left in me, He fills my well again with thoughts and words, messages that I need to hear in my quest to be more like Him. I need that precious connection and so do you. And with that connection, reality settles in….I don’t use my gift of words to gain glory on this earth. The words He gives to me flow back to Him, my perfect audience of One, and if they also land in someone’s world who needs to hear them, that’s a bonus.
We all have spiritual gifts and we’re expected to share them freely. If you haven’t discovered yours yet, open your heart wide, invite Jesus in and give Him room to scatter a few seeds. You may be very surprised at what will grow.
Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. Colossians 3:10
You gift touches so many!! I know that I don’t often tell you that and I’m sorry about that. I do often finish your article and ponder over the message and how it applies to my life. Thank you for your faithfulness to the newsletter. Love you!