You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. Proverbs 19:21 NLT
It’s Monday morning as I write, and today, I celebrate eight decades of life on this incredible God-created earth. You can well imagine that those eighty years have seen a lot of shaping, refining, and pruning of unnecessary parts, but today, I reflect on the gifts of life. Birthdays are about gifts, celebration, and remembering.
Let me start by saying that I’m a planner, an organized person, a list-maker. So it’s easy to see how Proverbs 19:21 has been challenging for me. I love Proverbs! I call it the “no-nonsense” book of the Bible. It tells you all you need to know in a very straightforward language anyone can understand. But how can I not make plans? It’s so deeply ingrained in me.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been “in” church. I attended Sunday School and taught classes, belonged to youth groups and led them, sang in the choir, worked at VBS, served on committees…you name it and I have done it. I’ve made many mistakes but I tried to be a pretty good person and treat others well. And I thought I had this Christianity thing all figured out, but God had other ideas.
I recall a noisy evening some forty-two years ago. It was likely right around the time of my birthday. I was standing in the high school gym in my tiny town, waiting for a ball game to begin while having a conversation with a new acquaintance who had just moved into the community. Out of nowhere, he asked me if I knew Jesus and I knew this was a turning point in my life. It was as if the chaos around me just ceased and I was left with a life-changing question just hanging in the air. Did I really “know” Jesus? And so began a journey of finding myself within the loving arms of Ken’s Jesus who has truly become my Jesus as well.
Time slips. Days pass. Years fade. And life ends. And what we came to do must be done while there is time. Max Lucado, He Still Moves Stones
Most people and cultures throughout the history of the world have acknowledged a God, a supreme being, a benefactor of sorts. But we, you and I, have been offered an even better gift. We have a living, breathing promise of life, God’s Son. A friend who walks with us and talks with us…who doesn’t judge, he just listens and forgives. I wonder how long it would have taken me to begin my Jesus friendship if my sweet husband had not asked that question all those years ago….“Do you know Jesus?” I do know Him. I accept His gift of life, and I know that He is the glue that holds us together, that strengthens us to be who we were created by God to be. And those lists, I still make them, but I know they’ll likely end up in the trash because He always places a few surprises along my path to interrupt my best-laid plans.
Now, it’s a pretty safe bet that there’s more of life behind me than there is ahead. So, the big question now is, “What can I do to maximize

God is not finished with you yet (or with me). Oh, you may think he is. You may think you’ve peaked. You may think he’s got someone else to do the job. If so, think again….
God ain’t finished with you (or me) yet.
Max Lucado, When God Whispers Your Name
Belated happy birthday!
Your article was a timely blessing, since today is mine. Thank God for Ken’s question of you and all he means to you, and what you mean to your Aldersgate family.