Let Go of Those Words

As a writer, words are pretty important to me. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing at some level, I even tried poetry but my attempts were less than stellar. If I’m to be honest, I am often guilty of using far too many words while making a very simple point. Our youngest daughter and her husband both have engineering degrees from Missouri S & T. Their math and science skills are incredible but each insists they are not very good at writing. I’m not sure I agree with that assessment, but they are certainly entitled to their opinion. We humans are usually inclined toward either creativity or the sciences.
If you have school-aged children, you will likely be familiar with the term STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). It’s a program specifically geared toward students who possess those skills and/or plan to seek a career in one of those fields. If you’re on the fast track to a future in the sciences, your writing skills are less important and, in fact, you are taught to use fewer words and be very concise.
I have concluded that I often need to take a lesson from the STEM curriculum. A case in point is communicating with my husband. Ken has a hearing loss that he acquired while working on giant diesel engines in the Air Force. He wears hearing aids and when he first got them, both of us were called back for an orientation session with the audiologist. I was surprised to be included but quickly learned why. I had to learn how to speak all over again. Unfortunately, I don’t always remember to look directly at him when I speak or even to get his attention before I speak. This always leads to frustration on both our parts because he thinks he hears a certain word but it’s really something entirely different. I not only have to start over with his full attention, but I also have to use different words to remove from his memory the ones he thought he heard. I also need to keep my words to a minimum so he doesn’t need to hear so many different sounds. If I offer him a lengthy explanation of something, he soon shuts me out and when I ask if he heard me, he says he thought I was just “babbling”, a word that has since become an icebreaker in our home when my vocabulary gets out of control..
But I believe this lesson needs to apply to many of our conversations with each other and also with God. To be a good listener is an art itself and one that many of us don’t enjoy. I have to confess I sometimes find myself talking when I should be listening. One of the greatest gifts we can give to others is to really hear what they have to say and show a sincere interest in their concerns. When Jesus was delayed in arriving at the bedside of his good friend Lazarus and found him already passed from this earthly life, He took time to hear Martha’s complaints that He could have saved her brother if he’d just come sooner. After comforting Martha, Jesus brought her brother back to life, but He listened first. Our encounters won’t be that dramatic but we can always listen to someone else’s words when he or she is hurting or confused or lonely.
I have a necklace with a very succinct translation of John 3:13. It reads, “He loves, He gave, We believe, We live”. The message is clear and just might resonate better with an unbeliever than a lot of fancy words. Sometimes we need to get back to basics.
God made, Adam bit, Noah arked, Abraham Split, Joseph ruled, Jacob fooled, bush talked,
Moses balked, Pharaoh plagued, people walked, sea divided, tablets guided, promise landed,
Saul freaked, David peeked, prophets warned, Jesus born, God walked, love talked,
anger crucified, hope died, Love rose, Spirit flamed, Word spread, God remained.
Of course, all the other words between the beginning and the end create a rich spiritual tapestry, they are a symphony to our yearning ears. Maybe where the Bible is concerned, more is better. Share God’s word with someone today.
PS…allow me please to thank each of you who have left an encouraging comment on the church blog or sent a personal text or email. Your support is greatly appreciated. I’m learning as I go and as long as God keeps sending me words, I’ll keep serving Him with the gift He has given. Thank you.

Embrace Your Silver Linings

forget the birds who flop in puddles to catch a quick bath before all the moisture is absorbed by hot breezes or the tiny hummingbird, flitting from bloom to bloom at lightning speed to catch every drop of nectar. My friendly little garden snakes like to surprise me by slithering past my feet and, sometime during each season, I’ll find a skin left behind as they grow and shed, another of God’s miracles.
These lovely little silver linings take my mind off the worry about today’s difficulties for a while and I’m
grateful. My garden is my happy place!
for His tiny creatures, imagine what He will do for us. Losing that job that paid the bills but offered no
personal satisfaction may lead you around a corner to something meaningful and challenging. The
house you bid on but didn’t get may have had some undetected problem and the right one will come
along when you least expect it. Maybe you did have a losing baseball season but you made some
great new friendships along the way. So the publisher didn’t like your book but there may be a much
better deal just waiting to announce itself.
one of them. He promised to be with us through thick and thin and He is. Just look for Him in your
own unique silver linings. If you truly seek, you will find Him! After all, He is our very best silver lining.
art of life is to get the message. Malcolm Muggeridge, journalist

Is Something Missing From Our Puzzle?

Max Lucado

Cultivate Your Sunflowers

Why am I so enamored with sunflowers? First, they’re bright yellow, along with some hybrids in other colors. Yellow is a happy color. I love yellow T-Shirts, yellow kitchens, and bright yellow goldfinches hanging upside down on bright yellow sunflowers. That brings me to the second point, birds love the multitude of seeds produced on each flower head. Humans love roasted seeds as well. And thirdly, bees seek out the abundant flower pollen for their honey. Sunflowers provide beauty, put a smile on my face, and provide a valuable food source for critters and humans. That’s a sizeable contribution to our ecosystem. So where do you suppose we could find some figurative sunflowers in our lives and how might they influence the way we live?
The sunny faces of family members would surely count as sunflowers. They bring us warmth and security and nourish us with rich

These are a few of the things that I see as sunflowers in our lives. I’m sure you’ll have more. Whatever you see as a sunflower, cultivate it well. Water it and feed it until it is ready for harvest. If you’ve tended that sunflower well, the harvest will be great!
Let’s not get tired of doing good, because in time we’ll have a harvest if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 CEB If you live according to my rules, keep my commands


Embrace Your Freedom

I would venture to guess there were those in our country who did not feel terribly free on this July 4th. Many of us still feel sequestered in our homes hoping to discourage COVID 19 from paying a visit. A wave of violence has overtaken our nation and there are those who don’t feel free to walk their own streets. Some feel they have never been freed from the discrimination that began in the roots of slavery. The monuments to our history are being defaced and destroyed daily. In some cities, officials are removing them in order to discourage controversy.

II Corinthians 3:17 The Daily Life Bible

Escape Your Pit

to be used by God, remember: He tends to recruit from the pit, not the pedestal. Jon Acuff

Joseph’s ten stepbrothers were jealous and they first plotted to kill him. Instead, they dropped him into a deep
cistern, whereupon they encountered a caravan of merchants and they sold their brother to said merchants. He
was later sold again to a man named Potiphar whose wife accused Joseph of rape and had him thrown in
prison. It was during this time that he became known as an interpreter of dreams and eventually landed favor
with emperor Pharaoh. When Joseph predicted 7 years of abundance followed by great famine, he and
Pharaoh begin an ingenious plan to save a portion of each year’s grain and store it for future use. The story concludes with Joseph saving Egypt and his family from starvation during the seven-year famine.

me, I could lie there and wallow all day long but something gets me up, takes me out for a morning walk, tells
me to water my plants when rain becomes sparse and brings me back indoors to try and find new things to do
that will add a little spark of normalness to our lives. If I let my mind wander I can almost taste that delicious
blackberry cobbler shared around the campfire and made in the Dutch oven that we gave our daughter a few
years ago. Now that was a gift that keeps on giving and maybe one day, we’ll share another cobbler.
For now, I’m reminded of another of Jon’s quotes that stirred my resolve; “Pivot, Don’t Panic.”
the pitfalls and dangers, and He’s the One whose voice we can trust and listen to. Soul Fuel, Bear Grylls
some of the biggest brands in the world tell their story. Most recently he’s spoken at conferences, colleges,
companies and churches. See more at www.acuff.me
(2)The full stories of Gideon, Joseph and Daniel can be found in Judges 6-7, Genesis 37-39, Daniel 6.
(3) The portions of this article regarding COVID 19 sound a lot like Pastor Sarah’s sermon from Sunday
morning. The truth is I write my articles the week before they appear in the Gatepost so this was
completed before Sunday. I can only assume that God thought we needed a double dose this week
and it isn’t the first time this has happened. Sometimes it takes more than one messenger!
A Time of Pruning….Part 4 Make Yourself at Home
that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. This is how my Father shows
who he is—when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples.
John 15:7-8
Mom and Dad or your grandparents’ home to get that warm, fuzzy feeling of comfort. Wherever you bask in the
glow of love and maybe a little spoiling, remember that God spoils you most with His unconditional love. Before
you ever existed, you were provided an unlimited warranty. If you follow His path and serve Him, He will listen
to your prayers and travel with you on every journey. Your place in eternity is guaranteed.
I think we could all agree that God has been doing a large amount of pruning over the past few months. In my
lifetime, our world has seen some radical shifts in behavior and perspective. I was born at the end of World
War II. I never felt the pinch of rationing goods and doing without. I wasn’t able to understand the significance
of the atomic bomb until much later but I grew up with the stories of those who had experienced these changes
so I’ve always felt that they had a lot to do with shaping my life. My family worked hard and had few material
things during those times. They passed many of their economic and political views down to me, though it was a
number of years before their ideals really started to take root. Like most teens and young adults I went through
the desire to break away from what had governed my life to that point and start something new. But eventually
I had to admit that my parents got smarter as I got older.
As I became aware of the reality of Hiroshima and then the Cold War, I knew that I wanted to see a better,
more caring world. I tried to do my small part to educate children and soften the views adults held toward one
another. But the challenges kept coming. Our country went through assassinations of its leaders in the 1960s
and violent protests of various wars. The Civil Rights movement came to the forefront and made some strides
but never completed its mission. Then along came a group of terrorists who rocked our world, especially our
nation and all thoughts turned toward security. Political rhetoric has heated to the boiling point and our long
held fears of a global pandemic have become real and taken center stage. In the midst of that, racial injustice
reared its ugly head once again and protesters took to the streets in huge numbers. Soon looters and
vengeance seekers obscured the message we needed to hear. Our world and the safety of our nation have
been severely damaged by the pain of disease and the tragedy of violence. Where has God been in all of this?
He has been everywhere, all around us and wanting to dwell in us. The invitation has always been there. He
was in every foxhole and prison camp. He has wept with us when losses seemed too great to bear. When
theologies have clashed, He has never left our side. When anyone has been oppressed or lonely or hungry, he
was there to provide hope. And as we have watched our current lifestyle change in ways we couldn’t imagine,
He has been ready to pick us up and help us carry on.
He knew about all of these lifechanging events before they happened. He didn’t stop them because He gave
us free will to make our own decisions. But he did try to do a lot of pruning along the way. In so many personal
ways He tried to help us see His perspective. He has the ability to do anything, but He allows us to choose
where we want to dwell.
Are you ready to make yourself at home? Do you choose to dwell in Him and He in you
or do you choose to stand alone?
But He’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple. Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your
love. And don’t take yourself too seriously ─ take God seriously! Micah 6:8 The Message
We’ve looked at snippets of our scripture reference for this series but I believe it bears repeating in its entirety.
John 15:1-8 (MSG)
I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer. He cuts off every branch of me that doesn’t bear
grapes. And every branch that is grape-bearing he prunes back so it will bear even more.
You are already pruned back by the message I have spoken.
Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes
by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.
I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and
organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing. Anyone who separates from
me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with me and my
words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. This is
how my Father shows who he is—when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples.
My prayer:
Lord, always let there be less of me and more of You and let me be a really good gardener of Your people!

A Time of Pruning: Part 3… Best Friends

and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. John 15:5 (MSG)
These little wonders are a gardener’s best friend! They work through the soil ingesting decaying material; they
then fragment it, add nutrients, and pass it back into the soil. This age-old natural process produces well-fertilized soil that is aerated sufficiently to provide drainage for all growing things.

species. Ladybugs, lacewings, praying mantis, certain wasps, and beetles, as well as spiders, can provide a
variety of protections. A little online research can point even the novice gardener to the correct solution for their
specific problem and help find a method to attract that beneficial insect in a natural way. Insects require host
plants so learning which ones to use as well as when and where to use them can net very rewarding results.
You’ll need pruners, of course, along with a spade and shovel, trowels in various sizes and shapes, a good
rake, and a few others as you learn your specific needs. A visit to a few thrift stores and yard sales can net
some great bargains with lots of life still in them. Remember to clean all your tools after each use and oil when
necessary to keep them operating well. Store them in the same dry place each time you use them so you
always know where to find them.
cultivate good personal habits in order to build a healthy spiritual life. Every day we must make conscious
choices about the way we live.
John 15:6 (MSG)

us reading books, listening to music, or watching movies that dishonor Him? Do you think He wants us to
damage our bodies with dangerous substances or even foods that are unhealthy? And what about the
language we sometimes use when things don’t go as planned? I’ve learned the hard way that when my
relationship with God is wavering it’s because I have strayed. He is constant but I sometimes have the urge to
wander a bit. And that’s when He prunes the deadwood. Thank goodness He has a well-maintained pruner
because I need to feel it more often than I want to admit. We need to choose our friends and activities wisely,
just as if God were watching all the time because He is. When we choose unwisely, He is hurt and
disappointed, just like an earthly father only more so. We are His creations and we should strive to please Him.
Jesus understands our temptations because He experienced them too. He honored His father by not caving in.
whose voice we can trust and listen to. Bear Grylls, Soul Fuel
His word and His love with people everywhere. Others often need to feel His love in action before they can
absorb His word and sometimes that means we must be in places where we are less than comfortable. If we
are there to do His will and share His love, then God will be present with us. And sometimes we find new
friends in places we never expected, a harvest of new believers.
from us. We just need to talk to Him. It doesn’t matter where we are, what we say, or how we say it. He already
knows our hearts but He wants us to share with Him. We can talk to Him during the busyness of our day or in
the quiet of a sanctuary. It matters not, He just wants to hear from us. Think of it as a teen checking in with
parents or a child seeking an answer to a question about the universe. God wants to hear the good, the bad and the ugly of your life. Lay it on Him, share those burdens. He can take it and He’ll give you the help you need if you let Him. Make yourself at home with Him. He is the best friend you’ll ever have!
Next week we’ll explore the meaning of home…

A Time of Pruning: Part Two – Know Your Enemies

By: Marcy Barthelette
universe dwells inside us. What an awesome gift and yet, what an awesome responsibility! How do we prepare
ourselves for that responsibility? Let’s search our gardens again for some answers.

walk through all areas of the yard routinely and search for signs of any foreign creatures that might be lurking.
In a wet spring I often find the leaves of my daylilies literally covered with aphids. These are nasty little insects
that suck the life out of plants if not abated. A good soaking in soapy water is all it takes but first I must be
aware of their presence. In June, Japanese beetles make their ravenous appearance. Some years they cluster
by the thousands decimating every leaf of their favorite plants or trees. Unless I intercede they only depart
when all the leaves of those plants or trees resemble fancy lace. And let’s not forget the infamous tomato
hornworm. These big green guys are as fat as my fingers and sport a little horn at the rear as a defense
mechanism, hence the name. They can completely strip the plants overnight if left unchecked. You’ve
undoubtedly stepped in a mole tunnel in your lawn. One of their favorite foods is tulip bulbs! And don’t get me
threat. Between wind and hail, drenching rain, and prolonged drought, our plants have to be very tough to
survive and many don’t.
of our lives. My goodness, the temptations are all around us. What do we do with that juicy story that one friend
shared about another friend last week? How do we react when we arrive at a party to find that drugs are being

passed freely throughout the crowd? When we’re scheduled to participate in a mission project but a friend
invites us on an exciting trip, do we keep our commitment or find an excuse to have fun instead? When dinner
isn’t on the table when we arrive home from work, do we display anger toward our spouse? When an attractive
person makes an inappropriate move on us, how do we respond? In the face of violence, how do we react?
employing our moral compass and using God’s word as our operations manual, we can recognize the enemies
all around us. Does that mean we can’t have fun? Of course not. I believe God has a pretty keen sense of
humor and wants all His family to laugh and be happy. In doing so, we must be aware of the external
temptations that can lead us off course. We must also allow ourselves to be filled to overflowing with His spirit.
This is our core. He offers us the gift of Himself and if we respect ourselves and keep our inner houses clean,
we create an environment where He may dwell and flourish.
itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.
John 15: 4b
can do the work we were created to do…help make disciples for Jesus Christ.