On Fire for Christ

By: Casey Freeland
Picture this, you are in a foreign country and no one speaks your language but suddenly a group of men starts speaking to you about the importance of salvation and turning away from the evil in your life. How would you respond? Would you run away, laugh at them, or maybe seriously consider what they had to say? This is what happened on the day of Pentecost.
Pentecost is a time of celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles and other followers of Christ. Scripture says, a crowd that was gathered that day saw tongues of fire come to rest on the believers and they began speaking in languages they did not know.
Could you imagine the absolute bewilderment of the crowd? Knowing that these men did not speak this language, but here they were delivering a clear message because the Holy Spirit made it so. This lead some 3,000 people to be baptized that day, making the decision to follow Christ.
God wants us to be on fire for him today. He wants us to spread the word just like the Apostles did. Pentecost is significant to us because it is what really started the church as we know it. The Holy Spirit made a way for people of all languages and backgrounds to hear and understand his Word.
Pentecost should remind us of all of the excitement that God has to offer. The prophecy was being fulfilled and people were so excited to share the good news with everyone they saw. Are we still that way today? Do we try to bring people to Christ? Our insignia has a flame and a cross reminding us that we were unified by the power of the Holy Spirit. We should be on fire every day because we know the unwavering love that Christ has to offer all who choose to follow him. We are each called to be witnesses for Him and are called to share His message, even if it is in a way that may be unknown to us. Trust that God will always lead you in the way you should go. Be on fire for Christ.

Do You Have Enough to Go the Distance? Part 5

Spring Cleaning

love can shape every new season. Carol Kuykendall, Author and Speaker
whatever topic He places on my heart next. God bless you all….Marcy

Do You Have Enough to Go the Distance? Part 4

Untenable Circumstances

What if you are the last soldier in a chain of protocol designed to prevent accidental detonation and you are standing watch over a simple button which, if activated, would change the course of history?
Do you have enough faith to go the distance?
One more week…

How We Pray

How many of us say the Lord’s prayer every day, week, or month? In the 8:30 service, we almost always recited the Lord’s prayer every Sunday; not sure about the other services.
But how many of us pray the Lord’s prayer?
Below is an explanation of how to pray the Lord’s prayer that I find very helpful.
I. “Our Father who art in heaven”
Spend 3 minutes focused solely on God as:
“Our Father” – imminent: provider and protector.
“In heaven” – transcendent: omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient.
II. “hallowed be thy name”
Spend 3 minutes praising and thanking God.”
Think about the things you love about God and praise God for them.
Think of the way God has blessed you, specifically for the things in your life that are bringing you love, joy, and peace. Thank God for these things.
III. “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Spend 3 minutes sitting with the question, “Lord, I’m reporting for duty. What would you have me do?” Just listen, then do what you are led to do—provided you know the voice you hear is not guilt or people-pleasing. The cumulative effect of listening like this on a daily basis is powerful.
IV. “Give us this day our daily bread”
Spend 3 minutes praying about daily needs.
Identify what you need to survive the day and ask God for it–your basic needs, not your wants. Then ask God to give to your family and friends what they need to stay on their feet today. If other people or things are on your heart, this is the time to pray about them.
V. “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”
Spend 3 minutes confessing, receiving forgiveness, and forgiving. First, confess your sins to God and asking for forgiveness. Be specific. Then pray this prayer: “Lord, forgive me as I forgive ________.” Put a name or names in the blank. Turn this person/persons over to God and surrender a right to get even with them. Pray for God to bless them.
VI. “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”
Spend 3 minutes reflecting on the things that are depleting love, joy, and peace from your life, and the ways you are stuck in destructive behavioral patterns. Pray the “Serenity Prayer”: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.” Ask God to reveal what things you need to change and what things you must accept, at least for now. Ask God to disinfect your brain, to intervene throughout the day to make you aware of vulnerabilities, and to give you the strength to break patterns where destructive muscle memory has taken over.
VII. “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.”
Spend 2 minutes reflecting on the things around you that appear to be great, powerful, and important but are actually transitory, trivial, and tinsel.
VIII. “Amen.”
“Amen” is the Hebrew word for “So be it.” Conclude your prayer time by asking God to bring fulfillment to your prayers.
I hope you find it helpful as well.
We are blessed to be a blessing.

Do You Have Enough to Go the Distance? Part 3

An Orderly Fashion…of Sorts


Do You Have Enough to Go the Distance? Part Two

to talk with God before I write and ask Him to give me the words He wants you to hear. Sometimes a message
is loud and clear but sometimes it is very subtle and requires a little interpretation on my part. The message
this time smacked me right in the face.
be greeted by a vision of lush springtime green. But I wasn’t! All I could see was an ocean of white fluffy ball

an all-out assault on our unsuspecting lawn! Before we knew it,
they would sprout everywhere. Soil that seems useless for
anything else will always support dandelions. And don’t you know
they find the tiniest crack in the pavement to sprout and grow like
there’s no tomorrow. It seems they are always in an eager rush to
bloom and seed and drop to sprout again in their vicious cycle of
aggression. I have even watched a bloom cut from the plant or
sprayed with insecticide continue the process of reproduction.
Because it lies helpless on the ground, the wind can’t disperse the
seed so it all drops in the same spot and tries to sprout, sibling
fighting sibling for space and water and sunshine.
bloom at a time, they are intricate and quite lovely. Even the seed head has its own unique qualities and I have
to admit that I have spent some amount of time photographing both the bloom and the fluffy white seed head.
They are truly mesmerizing when backed by sunlight.

ants in a former article, display a persistence that defies human imagination. Their instinct to survive and
reproduce is so strong they let nothing get in their way, not even mowers or chemicals. Imagine our world if we
could muster a fraction of that persistent endurance.
whatever good we can find in the place or situation in which we are planted. There is a reason for everything
that happens in this life. Sometimes we wish we could see the bigger plan; we think life would be easier if we
knew what was coming. But if life were always easy, how would we learn endurance. Remember that diversity
defines personal character.
and character, hope. Romans 5:3-4 ESV
More next week….

Do You Have Enough to Go the Distance?

Part One: Why Worry?
On March 11…I am sure of the date because I took it from my COVID 19 journal…Ken and I decided that it might be best to give credence to the chatter we were hearing regarding a possible epidemic. It still seemed remote, after all, it began in China and seemed unlikely to affect us too much. We embarked on an epic shopping trip to stock up on needed items just in case. You can’t imagine our surprise when we found shelves in the paper supply section at Wal Mart stripped completely bare of stock. We shook our heads in disbelief, Ken took a picture as proof, we grumbled a bit with other customers and went on about the rest of our shopping.

To be continued……

Hattie’s Gift


Stand Up

Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.
I heard a sermon by Dr. David Jeremiah recently and the theme of the sermon was from the book of Daniel and in this book, God told Daniel to do 4 things.
- Do not stand down. In other words, do not ignore or disregard God’s message.
- Do not stand aside. Do not compromise your beliefs.
- Do not stand against. Daniel didn’t go around talking against the Babylonians, he lived among them. He lived his life according to the teachings of God. We too should live our life according to the teachings of God and His son Jesus. Don’t go around accusing others of their sin. Remember what Jesus said about removing the splinter from your neighbor’s eye while not removing the plank from your own eye.
- Do Stand up. Live your life according to God’s teachings and do not worry about tomorrow. Daniel wanted to know everything that was going to happen, but God told him not to concern himself with everything that was going to happen, just live your life. And He did.Let us love one another. Let us Be Love. We are blessed to be a blessing.