But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, PEACE, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5: 22-23a
We humans tend to see peace simply as the absence of war. If two countries are not taking up arms against one another, they are at peace. If we brought this premise down to a personal level, I imagine that married couples might take exception to the notion that simply being free of visible battle scars indicates peace ruling over the household. Arguments and disagreements often lead to stalemates when partners hold on to grudges after the battle, of sorts, had ended. Not speaking to one another or using only the most rudimentary communications skills, ignoring the needs of one another, continuing to hold onto an opinion, be it right or wrong, and the absence of compromise can all lead to a climate that is anything but peaceful. You know what I’m talking about, we’ve all been there, whether it be with a spouse, a sibling, a child, or a friend, the result is much the same. And the longer we maintain our position of disagreement, the deeper the hole we dig!
The key to finding peace with others is in first finding peace in God. If we rely on Him to provide the check valve on our thoughts and words, deep abiding peace becomes less elusive. I’ve had fleeting glimpses of true peace during my lifetime and I am absolutely sure they were the moments when I’ve said, “Okay, God, I can’t do this. I need you to intervene on my behalf and get me through this.” And He does. All it takes is for me to move over and let him sit in the driver’s seat. The thing is, when the situation is resolved. I go right back to thinking I can fix everything myself. I have to be up against a brick wall before I’m willing to turn over the wheel, let Him fix the problem and be willing to accept His solution whether or not it agrees with what I would have done. In those moments when I have been one hundred percent willing to accept His will for my life, I have felt totally unencumbered peace. And let me tell you, anything less pales in comparison.
Some time ago I shared the story of our flight back from Denver one stormy night, but it bears repeating here because it was the moment when I found the kind of perfect peace that is the benchmark I have since returned to when seeing a brick wall looming in my future. That night, not an ordinary storm, but three major storms converging at just the right time turned a trip toward home into a glimpse of a fiery end for a plane load of terrified people. Passengers all around us were sick, the flight attendants were white-knuckled and turning green around the gills, and the pilot’s voice that was attempting to calm us was on the very edge of panic. Was I any different than anyone else on that flight? Absolutely not! I was scared out of my wits! But something made me realize that while lightning flashed all around us, rain poured relentlessly over us and wind tossed us through the air like a kite out of control, there was absolutely nothing that I could do to change our outcome. I remember thinking something like, “Okay God, you birthed this storm from its beginning in multiple locations, you brought it together with all its ferocity, and you will end it in the way you choose. We’ll all make a safe landing back on earth or be delivered to our eternal home within this scheduled flight plan. So, I surrender all of it to you. I can’t control it…it’s all yours!”
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. I Peter 5:7 NLT
I settled into a peaceful state of mind, read my book, and didn’t concern myself with the turmoil outside my window or inside the very thin skin on that plane. The only difference between myself and the panicked people around me was the certain knowledge that God had this situation under control and I was going home one way or the other. So, when I find myself approaching that wall again, no matter how large or small, I think back to that night and let go of the wheel once more. And when I do, God’s peace always settles over me.
There are different definitions of peace in our world, but I believe that the peace referred to in our scripture is the kind that only our Lord can offer, the peace that we discover when we surrender control of everything to Him, be it a good situation or not so good. However, imperfect creatures that we are, we don’t relinquish that wheel easily or nearly as often as we should. But when we do, we find ourselves in that perfect sweet spot, safe in the comforting arms of our Savior.
You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you. Isaiah 26:3 GNT