John 4:24 – For God is spirit, so those who worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth.

Opportunities to be part of the worship ministry are always available for those who have a heart for service and specific talents and gifts. Jeff Huber serves as the Traditional Worship Director and Christian Barnard serves as the Contemporary Worship Director. Please contact either one for more info or to indicate your interest in serving.

Chancel Choir

This ensemble shares preludes and introits as well as leading hymns in the 8:15 AM traditional service on Sundays. Chancel choir is always open to more singers who enjoy sharing their vocal gifts and great fellowship! Director Jeff Huber is happy to share more information.


Worship Teams

We are blessed with multiple worship teams who lead worship in the 9:45 AM contemporary service and 11:11 AM family service on Sundays. The teams include vocalists and instrumentalists. For more information, contact Christian Barnard.


Aldersgate Handbell Ringers

Our handbell choir shares periodically in Sunday services. They also ring at area sister churches and special events. All are welcome! No previous experience required, but the ability to read music is very helpful. Contact Tasha DeBode to join the fun!

Tech Teams
Media – responsible for running the slides during regular Sunday and special services
Livestream – operates the cameras for our Facebook & YouTube feeds
Sound – works to ensure best sound quality in the services
Do you want to work behind the scenes? Training is provided and a commitment of once or twice a month is appreciated. Contact Christian Barnard to get involved!