On Fire for Christ

 By: Casey Freeland

Picture this, you are in a foreign country and no one speaks your language but suddenly a group of men starts speaking to you about the importance of salvation and turning away from the evil in your life. How would you respond? Would you run away, laugh at them, or maybe seriously consider what they had to say? This is what happened on the day of Pentecost. 

     Pentecost is a time of celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles and other followers of Christ. Scripture says, a crowd that was gathered that day saw tongues of fire come to rest on the believers and they began speaking in languages they did not know. 

     Could you imagine the absolute bewilderment of the crowd? Knowing that these men did not speak this language, but here they were delivering a clear message because the Holy Spirit made it so. This lead some 3,000 people to be baptized that day, making the decision to follow Christ. 

     God wants us to be on fire for him today. He wants us to spread the word just like the Apostles did. Pentecost is significant to us because it is what really started the church as we know it. The Holy Spirit made a way for people of all languages and backgrounds to hear and understand his Word. 

     Pentecost should remind us of all of the excitement that God has to offer. The prophecy was being fulfilled and people were so excited to share the good news with everyone they saw. Are we still that way today? Do we try to bring people to Christ? Our insignia has a flame and a cross reminding us that we were unified by the power of the Holy Spirit. We should be on fire every day because we know the unwavering love that Christ has to offer all who choose to follow him. We are each called to be witnesses for Him and are called to share His message, even if it is in a way that may be unknown to us. Trust that God will always lead you in the way you should go. Be on fire for Christ.  

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